
Showing posts from May, 2024

That time McDonald's tried to feed me a metal bandage clamp then told me to get bent

 So I had never intended to do a post about this but I am still so mad and annoyed and just had to share.  Last month my husband and myself got some McDonald's.  He picked it up and brought it home.  We  had each gotten a meal and I got a coffee drink extra and a little burger plain for my dogs.  I just went ahead and shared a photo of them to off set the nasty burger photos.  So anyway he comes home and we give the girls their little burger.  Then we start our lunches.  Once I finished my fries I open up the burger box to have my burger.   This is when the trouble starts.  It looks like someone tossed it in the box roughly but I am not a princess so OK whatever maybe they were busy and got a little wild.  I do notice there are condiments all over the side of the inside of the box.  So I lift it a little to make sure I am not going to be sticking my fingers in said condiments.  Just as I have found the bottom not to have any sauce I start to lift it towards my face to take a bite.