That time McDonald's tried to feed me a metal bandage clamp then told me to get bent

 So I had never intended to do a post about this but I am still so mad and annoyed and just had to share.  Last month my husband and myself got some McDonald's.  He picked it up and brought it home.  We  had each gotten a meal and I got a coffee drink extra and a little burger plain for my dogs. 
I just went ahead and shared a photo of them to off set the nasty burger photos.  So anyway he comes home and we give the girls their little burger.  Then we start our lunches.  Once I finished my fries I open up the burger box to have my burger.  

This is when the trouble starts.  It looks like someone tossed it in the box roughly but I am not a princess so OK whatever maybe they were busy and got a little wild.  I do notice there are condiments all over the side of the inside of the box.  So I lift it a little to make sure I am not going to be sticking my fingers in said condiments.  Just as I have found the bottom not to have any sauce I start to lift it towards my face to take a bite.   As it comes towards my face I saw a flash of metal and stopped.  I thought WTF this does not have a wrapper what is that.  So I set it down and look at it.  There is a damn ace bandage wrap clasp stuck on my burger.  I had kinda turned it looking for the condiments and thankfully turned it the right direction to catch the light before it went in my mouth.

I mean I spotted this how the hell did they not. 

So to make this not a novel I will condense.  We called them and the manager offered me either a refund or a new burger if I brought it back.  My husband took them back and I told her no.  I mean thank you but you just almost  fed me a inch and half long metal thing with spikes.  I do not believe I would like any more food from you ever.  So they gave us a partial refund on the order.  This pissed me off because I really feel like even if we had ordered a lot more food you just blanket refund an order when you send something like this out for consumption.  

I spent the next two days puking every time I looked at food because this pops up in my brain and still get queasy at fast food ads with burgers.  

Within a day or two the area manager or whatever he was called contacted me.  He said he was very sorry and normally they would handle something like this with the offer of free future product.  Again I stated that no I would not really want free future product.  Thank you but this is not some one gave me the wrong sandwich or something.  This was absolutely disgusting. We ended with him talking to the owner of that particular McDonald's and getting back to me.  To date I have never heard another word from him. 

 A day or two later I got a call from their insurance company.  I answered all their questions and said yes feel free to record the call.  That man said he would contact me to let me know what they found with their investigation into it.  Then a couple days ago I got this letter. 

Apparently because I happened to spot it and not physically put it in my mouth it was no big deal.  Forget that I was sick to my stomach for two days every time I even looked at food.  Forget I still can hardly eat anything prepared at a fast food place.   I would of understood if they had offered me a full refund and any kind of hey boy we are sorry we damn near fed you possible hospital waste let us try to make it right I would of felt respected as a customer.  Maybe if they had even bothered to note it was a quarter pounder with cheese which I told them about 4 times and they had these photos and not called it a chicken sandwich I would have felt heard.  Or that they had any actual concern.

But what really chaps my ass is I loved McDonald's in a way.  I mean yeah the food is was a nice guilty pleasure every so often.  But since I was a kid we went there and I had enough love of the nostalgia of them I made a few things for myself over the years. 

Now I am just disgusted with the food and their behavior.   I mean damn you by accident or not give someone food with a large dangerous thing in it maybe you fully comp their meal or do a little more than that.  Maybe you do not send them a well you were smart enough to stop and not eat our food so get bent letter.  This image is never going to leave my mind. 
Just my little vent to get it out of my system because clearly they do not GAF. 


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