
That time McDonald's tried to feed me a metal bandage clamp then told me to get bent

 So I had never intended to do a post about this but I am still so mad and annoyed and just had to share.  Last month my husband and myself got some McDonald's.  He picked it up and brought it home.  We  had each gotten a meal and I got a coffee drink extra and a little burger plain for my dogs.  I just went ahead and shared a photo of them to off set the nasty burger photos.  So anyway he comes home and we give the girls their little burger.  Then we start our lunches.  Once I finished my fries I open up the burger box to have my burger.   This is when the trouble starts.  It looks like someone tossed it in the box roughly but I am not a princess so OK whatever maybe they were busy and got a little wild.  I do notice there are condiments all over the side of the inside of the box.  So I lift it a little to make sure I am not going to be sticking my fingers in said condiments.  Just as I have found the bottom not to have any sauce I start to lift it towards my face to take a bite. 

I love making a variety of stuff how about you?

 So I love to work in a variety of mediums.  The above is a very plain treasure box I found and gave a rose top.  So much better now.   This is a painting done in conjunction with a pouring.  I love to go in with a theme or simply flush out what I see.  This last one is from an acrylic skin  I turned into a larger pendant.  Just a little look at what I am really into right now.  Love, Cappy

Resin and what I learned again by playing a little with it.

 So it has been a while since I used resin.  I wanted to use something simple and do some small projects because larger ones have been iffy so clearly I needed to spend some more time on it.       What you see above is my most recent small run of resin items.  All done with a you mix resin that is easy to find.  I am linking the one I got but I am sure there are many good ones out there.  Now here were my good bads and wtf of it all.   First the good and my favorites some paper weights made out of salvaged jewelry bits and some random sample glass circles for science that I found.  Now with these the fun thing was I used an adhesive to attach the old bracelets to the glass on the back.  Then once dry I added in my bits.  Some vintage and some new.  It worked great and I made sure to get a good thick layer of adhesive so there was no spilling out of the resin.  I also only

How I endure the summer without going mad

I know some people out there just love the summer and the heat and all the fun activities that go along with that.  Not me.  Give my ass the cold and the snow and the autumn leaves and early springs anything but heat and mosquitoes. I try to do little gardening and house projects all summer long.  Chip away at the time with two weeks for new fencing, a week for steps,   a day for new lighting.  Whatever so long as it passes this devils butt crack of time called summer.  So above I bring you my day lilies.  I love flowers and gardening and these are what is passing today.  These inspire me to go out and putz in the garden after I get done walking my dogs.  How do you do the summer? Love, Cappy Sue 

When you are entirely to sentimental and that is ok

This is a photo of my sweet girl Jazz.  She passed earlier this year.  She was full of personality and sweetness.  She thought everyone was her friend except ground hogs they needed to GTFO of her world.  I want to go into the details of her wonderful little being like her snuggles and kindness but I am going to avoid that for your sake and mine.  Just assuming if you are still reading you too have animals that are the center of your universe.  Well when my sweet girl passed I was left with a rather substantial sweater collection.  Gave some to friends and charity but still have a good half dozen I simply could not give away because they were so much her.  Not wanting them to sit in a box and bring sadness every time I crossed the path of said box I opted to make something out of them.  So a few hours of sewing this weekend and I have a little set of autumn pillows made from her sweaters.  They shall be tucked in with the Fall decor and make me smile and think of my sweet snuggle g

Bringing my nightmares to life oh and chimps

So my art thing is that I love to create stuff from my nightmares and just comical stuff.  This one is from the nightmare file.  The interesting thing to me is that once I bring them to life so to speak they often stop haunting me at least for a long time in my dreams.  This other painting I did on a matching caustic board I messed with textures on is just a happy chimp and his cat.  The idea behind it was how we sometimes are a little fuzzy about how getting exactly what we want will look.  So I made the cat and the chimp in two very different styles like it is imagining the cat.  Any way I hope ya enjoy.  Love till next time, Cappy Sue